Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Art for Happiness and Health

Senior citizens often face multiple problems. Art is a great way to keep them healthy and happy. Professional companies host mobile paint night, where seniors can create art with friends and relatives.

Thanks to the advancement in medical science, the life span of people has increased by leaps and bounds. People are living up to a ripe old age. However, elderly people often have a problem adjusting with their new slow paced lives. Lives, which were once a roller coaster ride now change into a bullock cart ride.

Some senior citizens enhance the quality of life by nursing interests and hobbies that they did not find time for in their younger days. However, for others; longer lives beg the question about how they can age well and happily.

Art for Seniors

You would be surprised to know that art is the key to health and happiness. Professional companies now organize local paint night at your chosen place. Mobile paint night is not only a medium for creative expression, but also a great way to spend time with family and friends. What’s more, they take care of all the needs including canvas, paints, brushes etc. All you need to do is arrange a place, some wine and food for your esteemed companions.

If you are still skeptical about whether or not to host such parties, here’s a list of benefits elderly people can derive by indulging themselves in art.

•    A study states that elders active in arts have improved physical health, fewer medicines in their medicine box and lesser visits to the doctor and therefore, lesser burden on the bank account.

•    Art is great way to express the innermost feelings, which often bother them. They are often unable to vent out their feelings. Art allows them to do so and in turn be happy and relaxed.

•    A mobile paint night not only allows them to enjoy different art forms but also promotes communication and socialization with like-minded people of their age. So, it is creativity, happiness, community building and friendship all rolled into one.

•    Post retirement, elderly people experience loss of confidence and identity. Creating an art form fosters a sense of identity in them. Creating something is a feel good factor.

•    Isolation is the biggest enemy of senior citizens. Losing friends and spouses often results in depression and withdrawal from social life. Local paint night gives them the chance to create and socialize, thus, promoting a sense of contentment and happiness through community living.

•    Age is a primary cause of a variety of physical problems. Art also helps in solving these issues. Art enhances hand eye coordination and promotes cognitive development and concentration.

•    It also allows people who shy away from creative activities to re-discover their creative skills and enjoy it too.

•    Conversely, it enables senior citizens to get back to their old passion of creating art, which was lost in the fast paced life.

A famous neurologist opines that creative abilities are not lost with age. It can be rekindled and rejuvenated to improve the quality of life in the ripe old years. So, make life colorful and interesting with by creating art with professional assistance.

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